Poster Guidelines
- Each poster presentation is allotted one poster board.
- Presenters should use mounting tape to put up their posters.
- Mounting tape will be prepared by the Secretariat.
- The venue of poster presentation will be announced later.
- The poster size is ISO A0 with portrait orientation (W 841 mm x H 1189 mm).
- The title should be composed of CAPITAL letters at least one inch high.
- Use the minimum amount of text possible. Only use what is necessary to make your point.
- Be concise, but answer the basic questions (What, When, Where, How, Why) using the standard format.
- Introduction: background, statement of problem, purpose/objectives.
- Methods: experimental design, techniques.
- Results: data summary, findings.
- Conclusions: interpretations, implications; organize the material to tell a logical, coherent story. - Use large, BOLD lettering for readability. Use fonts that are easy to read (i.e., avoid fancy fonts). All text should be easily read from a 2-meter (+) distance.
- Use borders or white space to separate sections. Avoid large, continuous blocks of text.
- Use figures (graphs, charts and illustrations) (with captions) as much as possible, making sure that they are legible.
- The use of color will enhance poster readability (i.e., for contrast and to highlight important points) and attractiveness. Aesthetics are an important part of preparing a poster that will attract attention.
- Summarize results/findings. Bullets work well to summarize key points or contributions of the study.
- Keep your poster simple and provide a clear “take-home” message; you can provide details In discussions or during the conference proceedings.
Institute of Systems Biology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603 8921 4564/4549/4558/4557 | Fax: +603 89213398 | Email: [email protected]
Copyright of INBIOSIS 2017